2024 SAG Award Winners

Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois

Project Goal

The CFL's aim was to completely digitize its old access maps and turn them into an interactive GIS map. They existed as rescue maps for the fire brigade and were only available as paper maps. All entrances and access routes leading to the track were to be depicted on this access map and stored with photos and additional information. This access map should be kept up to date and updates should be made directly on the interactive map.
Potential obstacles that make access to the track difficult or even impossible should also be included on the map. Widths, heights and the condition of underpasses and bridges had to be recorded so that when using the map, it is clear whether passage is possible and, if so, with what vehicles or, if necessary, only on foot.
This map should be available online as a web GIS system to all employees and be able to be called up quickly in case of emergencies.
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Business Problem Solved

ArcGIS Collector was used to record and document all access points to the Luxembourg railway network. This data was backed up with photos. In ArcGIS Pro, the data was prepared in such a way that blocked accesses could be recognized at first glance. Access routes were categorized according to their width and trafficability. Gates and the tools required to open them are also stored in the attributes. In total more than 500 access points, 120 bridges and underpasses and 100 obstructions have been collected.
Finally, this data was published on the ArcGIS server and integrated into the CFL GIS system, where it is available to all employees.
In addition, an ArcGIS online map was created and shared with the national fire brigade (CGDIS). This guarantees that the emergency services and CFL are working with the same initial data, thus enabling better coordination in the event of an accident.

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Enterprise
ArcGIS Collector
ArcGIS Online

Development Team Biography

Steve SEYLER (Dipl. Ing.) - Head of Division Topography & Geometry
Sven WIES (M.Sc) - GIS Specialist
Chris GLOD (B.Sc) - GIS Specialist
Eliane GROSSE (M.Sc) - GIS Specialist