2024 SAG Award Winners

Portcoast Consultant Corporation

Project Goal

The inland waterway system of Ho Chi Minh City includes 83 domestic waterway routes that spread throughout the city, as announced by the city's People's Committee in Decision No. 2580/QÐ-UBND on July 20, 2021. These waterway routes have not yet been fully surveyed and documented, lacking complete data on aspects such as channel bed elevations, inland waterway signals, river crossing structures, embankments, inland waterway ports and docks, and constructions along both riverbanks.
To survey, collect, and digitize the data for the management, operation, and maintenance of the inland waterways within the city.
This marks the first time in Vietnam that modern survey technology and data digitalization for the infrastructure of inland waterways have been applied to meet the requirements of using information technology in the management and operation of inland waterway infrastructure. It aims to promote the deployment and gradually complete the digitalization of the specialized database.

Business Problem Solved

The integration of BIM and 3D GIS developing digital model represents the real world, visually presented in 3D, with layers of data for the city's inland waterway management. It applies to projects related to planning, land clearance in riverbank protection corridors, riverside urban beautification, embankment protection, and new crossing projects. The entire city's inland waterway system model not only allows for the assessment of the current state, development planning studies, and detailed examination of the riverbed surface and depth at every point, a comprehensive view of related structures along the routes and banks, and integration of geological layers and relevant construction information for management, maintenance, and repair but also enables the recreation of scenarios within the whole system. It sets up simulation scenarios for all water transport activities on the channel, flood situations, sedimentation, or possible incident scenarios, to develop response plans.

Technology Implemented

Esri's suite of solutions offers an integrated approach to spatial data management, enabling comprehensive field data collection, real-time progress monitoring, detailed data analysis, and immersive simulation.
Main Esri Technology implemented with this project are ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Field Maps, ArcGIS Dashboard and ArcGIS Online Scene Services.
Implementing with ArcGIS Maps SDK for Game Engine to bridge the gap between geospatial data and game engine technologies, enabling the creation of detailed simulations and digital twins. This integration not only enhances the visualization of complex spatial scenarios but also offers a platform for scenario planning and decision support, making it a comprehensive toolkit for managing and leveraging spatial data across various stages of the project development.

Development Team Biography

The Portcoast project team embodies a diverse and highly skilled group of over 220 dedicated staff members. This dynamic team includes 15 Ph.D. scientists and 36 individuals holding master's degrees, contributing to a rich foundation of advanced knowledge and research capability. Additionally, more than 150 engineers, bachelors, architects, and technicians bring specialized expertise across a broad spectrum of disciplines.
These professionals have honed their skills in areas crucial to infrastructure development, including port, marine, and inland waterway construction, as well as bridge and road construction. The team's proficiency extends to comprehensive topographical, geological, and hydrographic surveying, bolstered by cutting-edge information technology and economic analysis skills. A testament to the team's global outlook and commitment to excellence, their education and training span prestigious domestic and international institutions.