2024 SAG Award Winners

WHO Regional Office for Africa

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Project Goal

The WHO Polio Eradication Program(PEP) has,over the years,been leading the deployment of innovative technologies in the WHO African region to support countries in the successful and timely implementation of Polio Endgame Strategic Plans.Among these initiatives include the routine use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS),Data Management and Mobile Health (mHealth) technologies to strengthen surveillance and improve the quality of polio outbreak response campaigns.To coordinate the effective application of these innovative technologies, the WHO Regional Office for Africa,with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,established the AFRO regional GIS Centre in 2017 with its mandate to support the polio eradication efforts and ensure proper national adoption of GIS by building required capacity in relevant knowledge areas for their sustainable use beyond polio.This demonstrates the great value WHO leadership attaches to the use of GIS to address the different health challenges.
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Business Problem Solved

The main objective is to support the polio eradication program in the effective use of data for action as it relates to surveillance and outbreak response. The project enabled the integration of data collected with ODK-based collection tools into ArcGIS Enterprise. ArcGIS Pro was used to define rules for data quality checks regarding attribute data but also regarding the location. Web applications were designed to make data validation easier to our member states and to visualize the collected information.
In addition, the system is used to develop different information visualization products for decision making and build the capacity of country data managers and key surveillance focal points (WHO country office and Ministry of Health GIS Focal Points) on GIS data analysis and visualization to support outbreak response activities and other interventions at regional, national and subnational levels.

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS online
ArcGIS enterprise
ArcGIS portal (With related applications) within ArcGIS enterprise
ArcGIS Pro
ArcGIS Data Reviewer
ArcGIS Monitor
ArcGIS interoperability
ArcGIS Notebook Server

Development Team Biography

Kebba Touray, John Kipterer, Ishimwe Roselyne, Toure Gorgui Ba, Waqar Ahmad
Aboubakar Cisse, Abubakar Ismaela, Babona Nshuti Marie Aimee, Bakata Evans Mawa Oliver, Busisiwe Ngobe, Chefor Ymele Demeveng Derrick, Da Barthelemy,
Diallo Mamadou, Douzoune Kella, Oviaesu David Osayi, N'diaye Aboubacar, Yusuf Mohamed Ahmed, Worku Ayidagn Getachew, Gathenji Carolyne, Nzioki Michael Mwanza, Shaba Keith, Quach Le Tran, Monge Marta Villa.