2024 SAG Award Winners

Varanasi Smart City Limited (VSCL)

Project Goal

Varanasi Smart City Limited (VSCL) guards the idea of rejuvenating the city of Varanasi into a great place to live and visit. It has built an integrated command and control center (ICCC), a platform that acts as a decision support system for the city administration to respond to real-time events by consuming data feeds from different sources and processing information out of the data sets. The ICCC in collaboration with Esri India has created an Open Data portal named Kashi Geo Hub. Kashi Geohub serves as an Open data exchange platform that aids in fostering collaboration among different stakeholders such as the government, citizens, academia, research, industry, NGOs, and start-ups
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

Balancing the expectations of international audiences and domestic devotees against the needs of Varanasi’s citizens is a challenging task. Virtually every part of India enjoys representation within the old Kashi area. This has generated challenges that affect the identification, representation, and coordination of city systems. The major challenges faced by VSCL include: 1. Balancing Varanasi’s cultural and spiritual heritage with better administration, operations, and holistic development 2. Mapping overlapping development that has congested the city over several centuries. 3. Managing critical public service infrastructure, including assets related to water, sewage collection and treatment, street lighting, transportation, and parking services. 4. Retaining and managing tourist footfall during smart project implementation. 5. Integrating Smart City projects with other ongoing development projects happening across the city

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Enterprise Server, ArcGIS PRO

Development Team Biography

(1) Dr. D. Vasudevan, Chief General Manager, Varanasi Smart City Limited
(2) Dr. Santosh Kumar Tripathi, Manager GIS/ City Data officer, Varanasi Smart city Limited