2024 SAG Award Winners

Carter Jonas LLP

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Project Goal

Carter Jonas is a multi-disciplinary property consultancy managing large portfolios of commercial, residential and rural property. Historically the company’s 5,000 plus annual property inspections were completed using paper-based forms, a time-consuming and inconsistent manual process. Limited insight could be achieved from the data.
The geospatial team identified that ArcGIS Online could transform property management. The innovative end-to-end digital property management solution removes 25,000 hours of manual administrative work every year, empowering the business to provide a more efficient and sustainable service for its clients.
Learn more about us

Business Problem Solved

The time-savings being achieved are freeing up asset managers, helping them to be more proactive so they can spend more time interacting with tenants and deliver an enhanced level of service. Further benefits include:
25,000 hours saved annually
Carter Jonas can now produce inspection reports in 45 minutes rather then the previous four-six hours. This equates to 25,000 hours of staff time per year, equivalent to 12 full-time positions.

More cost-efficient property maintenance
Now that inspection data is stored in one place, in the same format, asset managers can query it better. Using dashboards, they can now see and easily identify similar issues across multiple properties, thereby helping their clients reduce maintenance costs.

Reduced carbon emissions
Inspection jobs can be allocated to asset managers who live closest to a client’s property, significantly reducing journey times, cutting carbon emissions and supporting the company’s objective to operate more sustain

Technology Implemented

Esri Enterprise, Esri AGOL, Survey123, Field Maps, Esri JS API.

Development Team Biography

Simon Nigh - Head of Geospatial
Over 25 years providing Geospatial solutions utilising Esri and survey technologies.
Alex Spinu - GIS Manager at Carter Jonas for the last 5 years, ALex has over 10 years in providing GIS analysis across a range of industries.
Swathi Bommidi - A GIS Developer at Carter Jonas, Swathi creates Survey 123 and Field Maps integrations and Custom Property mangement applications using the Esri JS API.