2024 SAG Award Winners

Ghana Cocoa Board

Project Goal

District Level Spatial data mapping and processing to
regional level data merging and harmonization and
to national level data aggregation, harmonization, analysis,
sharing and storage (National Geodatabase -Cocoa Health and Extension Division -COCOBOD, GHANA)
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

-There was no live access to district level spatial data
until it goes through the regions then to the national office
-National data were processed and stored in individual
computers and data collaboration were very difficult.
-National operational data sharing with stake holders was
very difficult with frequent updates to the national data

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, Survey 123

Development Team Biography

Felix Owusu Anyimah (Mphil GIS)
Isaac Offei Amoako (BSc Geodetic Eng.)
Frank Ampomah (MSc GIS)
Alex Aboagye (BSc Geodetic Eng.)
Faruk Kwansah Nyame (Mphil. Project Management)
Richmond Boakye Tano (MSc GIS)
Kaizer Adusei Tabi (BSc Geomatic Eng.)