2024 SAG Award Winners

City of Tulsa

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Project Goal

Historically, the City of Tulsa relied on physical maps and various independent sources to address location-based challenges. However, as these challenges evolved, it became clear that Tulsa needed its own Geographic Information System (GIS) designed for its specific needs. Initially starting with a few maps and applications, the GIS quickly expanded, becoming a vital tool across multiple city departments to address issues. Almost ten years ago, Tulsa initiated a shift towards becoming a data-driven city, which underscored the necessity of leveraging data to tackle contemporary problems. Consequently, it was decided that GIS would be a mandatory component for all new major software implementations in Tulsa. Today, GIS underpins key city functions such as planning, infrastructure development, emergency response coordination, addressing, asset management, and public engagement. It continues to lead in innovation, driving new ideas and improving the quality of life for Tulsa residents.
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Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

Business integrations, Asset Management, Active Water Main breaks, Lost Pets, Creek and Park Clean up, Housing Suitability Analysis, Dispatch, Water and Sewer Risk Assessment, Lead service and Automatic Meter Readers, Fire Incidents Review, Apartment Lookup, Editor Tracking, Homelessness, City Permit Viewing, Location of Cross Bores, Unsewered areas, Storm shelters, Floodplains, Planning and Development, etc.

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Pro, Survey123, Field Maps, Quick Capture, Dashboards, Experience builder, web app builder, Insights, ArcGIS Monitor, Story maps, HUB etc

Development Team Biography

GIS Coordinator - Matt Parsell, with the City 9 years
GIS Sr. Analyst – Chaya Balsiger, with the City 9 years
GIS Analyst – Greg horne, with the City 4 years
GIS Analyst - Adwait Raiborde, with the City for 1 year and 6 months
GIS Technician – Justin Phillips, with the City for 6 months
Data Analyst - Jeff Clayton, with the City for 8 Years