2024 SAG Award Winners

Snohomish County GIS

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Project Goal

The Snohomish County IT GIS team has supported multiple departments, offices, and courts for over thirty years. In 2022 Snohomish County embarked on an effort to invest in rearchitecting the County’s GIS infrastructure. In 2023, the County completed this large and complex Geospatial Modernization project.
Months of planning and collaboration with Esri and IT resulted in ArcGIS Enterprise on a dedicated virtual environment which has increased capacity, improved stability, and added capabilities. To accomplish this, Snohomish County leveraged PowerShell DSC automation to deploy two distinct environments in accordance with Esri recommendations and County IT best practices.
Snohomish County GIS has and continues to partner extensively with Esri Professional Services to leverage Esri’s Advantage Program. In addition to the expert guidance provided throughout the project, Esri’s Advantage Program has provided Snohomish County GIS fresh capabilities to support new innovative projects.
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Business Problem Solved

· Reduce administrative burden, update and expand products and services
· Modernize GIS architecture and infrastructure to allow flexibility and scalability
· Improved platform stability
· Eliminate extensive manual processes for infrastructure maintenance
· Deploy a modern solution for sharing GIS data
· Modernize and streamline ETL processes
· Deploy authoritative GIS hosted data library for Snohomish County GIS users
· Upgrade and redesign GIS SQL databases
· Implement Single Sign On across the entire GIS environment

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Enterprise
ArcGIS Monitor
Esri Disaster Recovery Tool
ArcGIS Assistant
PowerShell DSC

Development Team Biography

This large and complex modernization project required participation from many individuals across multiple organizations. The Snohomish County IT Systems Engineering team was instrumental in helping design, scope, acquire, and build the hardware. The Snohomish County IT GIS team built and configured the new GIS environment. GIS professionals from across the County were crucial in successfully migrating Esri products and services from the legacy to the new GIS environment.