2024 SAG Award Winners

State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine

Project Goal

Since 2018 JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" work on the development and implementation of a geographic information system (GIS) used the ESRI platform has been started. For this time we have a corporate server-oriented information spatial and analytical system based on ArcGIS Server Standard Enterprice. The geoportal of this system include the interactive maps and dashboards oriented on the railway infrastructure objects and engineering structures condition's control, the mapping of the damages from military aggression of Russian Federation, real-time GPS monitoring and analisys of railway transportation volume, displaying of financial and economic activity indicators, control for locomotive and wagon parks, land resource and real estate using etc.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

Make managerial decisions based on an objective visual information about the distribution of production activity indicators in the management territory in the mode of their receipt;
Reduce the losses of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" by timely identifying problem areas, processes and objects that require priority measures using means of operational display and spatial analysis of information;
To increase the safety of transportation due to analysis of the distribution and density of accidents and the factors that cause them, the planning of preventive measures taking into account the distribution of risks, as well as the possibility of objective assessment of the effectiveness of the measures;
Identifying and substantiate objects and areas attractive for external investment (high-speed traffic areas, inactive stations and precincts, etc.).

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Server Standard Enterprice and ArcGIS Geoportal, ArcGIS online, ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro.

Development Team Biography

The GIS team with the support of IT structuresof JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" at different times included from 3 to 5 specialists with experience in GIS support of USAID projects in the area of Emergency situations, Forestry, Ecology, Biodiversity in Ukraine, creation of “Ukrainian Governmental Informational and Analytical System on Emergency Situations (GIAS ES)”, PPRD Programme for the prevention, preparedness, and response to man-made and natural disasters in the ENPI East Region – Europe and others GIS-based systems for GPS monitoring and control of traffic, modeling of transport systems etc.Taking into account this experience, GIS team specialists today, in the context of Russia