2024 SAG Award Winners

eBUPI - Estrutura de Missão para a Expansão do Sistema de Informação Cadastral Simplificado

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Project Goal

BUPi, a Portuguese project, aims to revolutionize property management and registration. It provides a physical and online service for land property identification and registration, funded by a secured budget of 45 million euros. The project enhances territorial planning, simplifies property registration processes, increases transparency, contributes to prevent forest fires and property irregularities, boosts administrative efficiency, and promotes access to information. It utilizes advanced technologies and GIS, and has already identified more than 2 million land parcels.

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Business Problem Solved

The project's key objectives include enhancing territorial planning, simplifying property identification and registration processes, improving transparency, combating forest fires and property irregularities, promoting investment, and enhancing administrative efficiency. It provides accurate and up-to-date information on property ownership, which is crucial for planners and policymakers. The project aims to make property registration processes easier for citizens and reducing bureaucracy. It also aims to combat corruption and fraud by providing easy access to information about property ownership. Moreover, BUPi contributes to economic growth by providing a clear and transparent system for property registration and management, attracting investment. It also streamlines processes, improving the overall efficiency of the property management system. In less than three years, the project has processed more than 2 million properties through the platform, demonstrating its significant impact.

Technology Implemented

The GIS platform that supports BUPi is map service centric, that provide 4 main cornerstones: webmap viewer with edition capabilities (ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript & ArcGIS Server), custom geoprocessing tools to increase data consistency (ArcGIS Pro & ArcPy) , mobile app for field data acquisition, and geographic dashboards for project progress monitoring (AGOL ArcGIS Dashboards). More recently, we add to our GIS the new ArcGIS Image Dedicated Tiled Imagery Server, for publish all the national aerial imagery series (1995-2021), improving overall performance to map applications and ensuring reliability and scalability whenever needed. All system is supervised with ArcGIS Monitor.

Development Team Biography

Carla Mendonça - Coordinator - https://www.linkedin.com/in/carla-mendon%C3%A7a-a2851961/
Paulo Madeira - Coordinator Assistant - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamadeira/
Sandra Santos - Legal
Fátima Simões - Legal
Carlos Oliveira - Development - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cabo79/
Noémia Balau - Operations
Rodrigo Dourado - GIS - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodrigodourado/
Pedro Luís - System Architecture - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedro-miguel-luis-4774677/
Ana Morais - Marketing and Communication - https://www.linkedin.com/in/anamorais/
Ana Paula Marques - Secretary - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ana-paula-marques-5937b268/
André Santos - Assistant
José Trindade - Administrative