2018 SAG Award Winners

Baltimore Department of Housing and Community Development

Project Goal

Baltimore City’s nuanced approach to revitalization of vacant and abandoned buildings relies on timely access to a wide range of property-level datasets. codeMap is a web mapping application which supports the city’s revitalization work by bringing together the most important datasets in one map, interlinking with the city’s enterprise applications and outside tools. Initially created for code enforcement staff, the tool has grown to be used widely by other city agencies, local developers, and other partners.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

Hundreds of datasets have direct bearing on the city’s redevelopment initiatives, including ownership history, sales prices, foreclosures, construction permits, violation notices, citations, legal cases, demolition activity, zoning, administrative boundaries, and many others. The tool’s symbology and visible ranges are curated to allow dozens of datasets to be comprehensibly viewed simultaneously, giving a fuller picture of housing trends in Baltimore than was previously possible.

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS API for JavaScript
ArcGIS Server
ArcGIS Online

Development Team Biography

John David Evans, Director of Analytics, DHCD
Shushen Chia, Director of Information Technology, DHCD
Samantha Luckhardt, GIS Supervisor, BCIT
Om Poudel, Applications Developer, BCIT