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Project Goal
The Mflora Telematic systems were ideally created in 2019 by the Digitalization department.Business Problem Solved
In Waste Management Services, ALAM FLORA need to provide collection services to the residents.
All the collection area having their schedule to follow. but then it was so difficult to monitor the collection activity and it led us to loses the company revenue because of miss collection was happened.
Tt also created others issue such as the company got more complaint from the resident and got penalty from the government agencies.
By implementing Mflora Telematic Systems Spatial synergy with GIS Data, the issues with the operation are solved up to 96% of collection activity and was secured the company revenue.
Technology Implemented
Alamflora was used ArcGIS Server Enterprise, ArcGIS Pro 3.2
Fields map mobile apps, ArcGIS Portal and SQL Server
Development Team Biography
Project Leader : Head of GIS unit
Mr. Ahmad Syahir Yusoff comes with Degree Holder in Geomatics Science, UiTM Shah Alam.
Experiences with 12 years in operation waste management services.
Project Team member
1. The GIS Unit - 8 staffs with the technical skill for the GIS
2. The GSU Unit - 6 staffs with the ground technical skill for data collection
3. The Digital team - 5 staffs with the technical skill on system development
4. The Operation team - 5 staffs with the technical skill for monitoring the operation activity on system.
5. The Fleet team - focus on fleet maintenance for GPS equipment
6. The Driver team - focus on collection activity on site supported with the collection schedules.