2024 SAG Award Winners

City of Portland and City of Portland Public Works

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Project Goal

The City of Portland Water Resources Division in Public Works needed to plan for migrating from a geometric network to Esri's Utility Network. Our goal has been to provide a more accurate representation of our combined sewer and stormwater infrastructure. Not only did we want to improve our GIS, but we want to provide better tools and access to our GIS for our Operations staff who are out in the field. Water Resources has been aware of the plan to retire support for ArcMap, so we began this project in 2020 by enrolling in Esri's Advantage Program. We recognized the importance of investing in a long-term project to plan and prepare City staff for the significant change. Public Works, which houses a majority of the City's GIS staff, quickly learned that our goal to migrate to the Utility Network would require a complete overhaul of our GIS infrastructure for the entire City.
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Business Problem Solved

Overhauling the City's GIS with a focus on the Utility Network. We recognized that we would be facing significant changes to the City's GIS infrastructure and this project helped us solve our approach to these changes. From how we model our separated stormwater and combined systems to how we manage our use of ArcGIS Online and Portal, this project has helped us understand how we can continue to improve the City's GIS.

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1
ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Monitor
Experience Builder
Field Maps

Development Team Biography

Brendan Robertson- Water Resources Asset Manager
Thea Youngs- GIS Specialist
Jon Giles-GIS/Survey/Archive Manager
Anne Beaney-SQL Database Administrator
Eric Stanicki- IT Network Architect