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Project Goal
For decades the Kansas City region has relied on housing affordability as a key component for growth. But the region is facing a challenge as rising housing costs jeopardize what was a competitive advantage. As part of the Regional Housing Partnership, the Research Services Department at the Mid-America Regional Council was tasked with providing data and analysis on all aspects of housing with particular emphasis on issues of affordability. The purpose of this work was to provide a central site for policymakers and the public to access up-to-date housing data and original analysis of trends in the region. The resulting dashboards and metrics are complimented with “data stories” which cover topics such as investor-owned properties, the current supply of affordable housing units, housing and transportation dynamics, and relationship between the cost of living and essential occupations.Business Problem Solved
Provided the public with resources to answer some common (and more complicated) housing-related questions. The data stories provide context on community issues, such as “how many additional affordable units does the region need?” and “how many single-family residential properties are in the hands of investors”.
Technology Implemented
ArcGIS Dashboards
Experience Builder
Story Maps
Arcade expressions
ArcGIS Pro
ArcGIS Server
Development Team Biography
Josh Akers – Research Manager
Brian Wize – Data Developer / Analyst
Erin Cardwell – Public Health Data Analyst
Katie Killen – Housing Manager