2024 SAG Award Winners

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG)

Project Goal

Enhancing the coordination of international USAR (Urban Search And Rescue) teams that respond to sudden-onset disasters and earthquakes by applying smart map-based technology
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

Moving a manual paper system into an electronic map-based coordination tool. This allowed significant improvements in the speed and analysis of field-based actions, allowing for faster responses to disaster victims.

Technology Implemented

IMWG employs a wide range of Esri technology into new and developing fields within Emergency management.

ICMS is an exclusively ArcGIS online system, utilizing a varied range of applications and software that together provide a platform that provides enhanced field surveys, effective intelligence capture, and analysis, enabling prioritisation and tasking to undertake effective coordination and response to people affected by sudden-onset disasters.

The current version of CMS is based on a number of apps, including S123, dashboards, Field maps, all tied together using python scripting in ArcGIS notebook.

In th enext version (3.0) we will be looking to leverage off newer technology, such as Quick Capture and Experience Builder, as well as introducing some new functions via workforce and using field maps to build smart forms to capture secondary information against geo spatial points (worksites.)

Development Team Biography

The INSARAG Information Management working Group is a group of international professionals from a wide range of backgrounds (GIS Developers, engineers, operational leaders and IT people) who have come together to achieve the groups stated purpose

The purpose of the IMWG is to develop, in coordination with members of the INSARAG network, deliver and promote the effective use of information management (IM) solutions across the INSARAG network in support of UN resolution UNGA 57/150 of 2002.

The purpose of the IM solutions is to support INSARAG network and its partners to manage USAR
operations as outlined in the INSARAG guidelines and guidance notes.