2024 SAG Award Winners

Grid Strategy Department, Grid Division, Tenaga Nasional Berhad

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Project Goal

The GeoLVI (Geospatial Land Value Information) project involves the development of a smart application to streamline the process of land cost estimation and land value analysis within the context of land identification studies conducted within the Grid Land Planning System (GLPS).
GeoLVI is a web-based application designed for cost estimation and prediction related to land for future Grid projects. The establishment of GeoLVI shall improve accuracy and optimize land estimation costs for identified projects related to the future Target Network and Annual Transmission Development Plan (ATDP).
By using the transacted land value as a base, GeoLVI will create spatial correlations between the proposed route and the transacted land value based on future land use and land category. This approach will provide future land values within the proposed transmission line Rights of Way.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1 | Site 2

Business Problem Solved

1. Inaccurate land cost estimation and value analysis are minimized with automated data collection, correlation, and analysis provided by the GeoLVI system
2. TNB's long-term planning is facilitated by the GeoLVI system, which offers historical data trends for forecasting land value changes. This helps in planning future projects with greater accuracy and foresight.
3. The wider organization benefits from decision support provided by GeoLVI, which recommends optimal land acquisition strategies based on cost and value analysis. This minimizes the potential for suboptimal decisions and ensures efficient resource allocation.
4. GeoLVI streamlines land identification studies by offering comprehensive land value analysis and accurate cost estimates. This empowers land planners with valuable insights, facilitating data-driven decisions and minimizing the risk of uninformed choices.

Technology Implemented

1.ArcGIS Pro
2.ArcGIS Enterprise Standard 4 Cores
3.ArcGIS Insights

Development Team Biography

GeoLVI - Project Lead
1.Mohd Azrin bin Ali - Manager (Land Identification Studies), Grid Strategy Department, TNB Grid Division

GeoLVI - Team Members
1.Mohd Firdaus bin Nor Zahari - Manager (Geospatial Solutions), Grid Strategy
Department, TNB Grid Division
2.Mohd Firdaus bin Md Wa - Senior Manager (Land Procurement) TNB Global Business
Solution Department, TNB Grid Division
3.Norhazwani bin Abdul Rahman – Manager (Land Identification Studies), Grid Strategy Department, TNB Grid Division
4.Rosmanizam bin Ismail – Senior Manager (Land Administration & Documentation),
Grid Development Department, TNB Grid Division
5.Mohd Shabir bin Aripin - Manager (Land Procurement), Grid Development
Department, TNB Grid Division
6.Rashida binti Abdullah – Executive (Land Title), Grid Development Department,
TNB Grid Division

Support Team - (Geospatial Solutions) ICT,TNB ICT Division
1.Zie Zie Azeanty binti Mohamed Tahir - Manager
2.Mohd Zulfikar bin Ramli – Executive