2024 SAG Award Winners

US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations, G-9

Project Goal

The Army Installation Geospatial Platform (AIGP) is a collection of collaborative sites providing authenticated users with access to create and share installation, energy, environmental, public works, and real property geospatial information via web services, maps, and applications. As AIGP has a DoD approved commercial cloud infrastructure, it provides a solution to consolidate the deployment and maintenance of installation-level enterprise GIS. The AIGP Capabilities Expansion initiative's goal is to enable the use of modern geospatial technology across the Army's installation management community through a cloud based, secure, collaborative capability ensuring access to accurate, reliable geospatial data. This goal includes focus on common geospatial workflows, cohesive procedures, standardized products, and an empowered user community across the entire Army. By the end of 2027, all Army installation-level GIS will be operational within an AIGP Capabilities Expansion environment.
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

Across Army installations, local GIS capabilities are limited by multiple high-level impediments. High-level network latency has resulted in unreliable system performance resulting in loss of network connectivity and extreme lag in GIS processing capabilities. Implementation of new IT software and control processes has created increased costs and loss of productivity, software, and personnel. Enabling Army installations to join the AIGP Capabilities Expansion initiative allows the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9 (ODCS, G-9) Installation Geospatial Information and Services (IGI&S) Program to centralize IT costs, system administration, and collective maintenance.

Technology Implemented

The ODCS, G-9 IGI&S Program expanded upon an existing Enterprise GIS stack and PostgreSQL RDS instances. Users can access installation specific enterprise databases via ArcGIS Pro on managed AWS Workspaces. All Enterprise GIS products are hosted in AWS Gov Cloud.

Development Team Biography

Vincent H. Nicchitta – ODCS, G-9 Chief, Systems Integration Branch, Real Property Asset Management Division

David A. Hulka – ODCS, G-9 IGI&S & RPSM Program Manager

Martina S. Harmon – ODCS, G-9 IGI&S Program Lead

Eddie V. Heath - ODCS, G-9 IGI&S Program GIS Development Manager