2024 SAG Award Winners

Central Water Authority Mauritius

Project Goal

The project aims to establish a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) portal for the Central Water Authority (CWA) using ArcGIS technology. The portal will serve as a centralized platform for managing, analysing, and visualizing spatial data related to the water infrastructure network in Mauritius. Key goals of the project include:
1. Integration of Consumer Data: Georeferencing consumer data to accurately depict consumer locations on the map, facilitating efficient management and service delivery.
2. Interactive Maps: Developing interactive maps to visualize and explore various components of the water infrastructure network, including pipe networks, boreholes, reservoirs, and sampling points.
3. Real-time Monitoring: Implementing sensors and real-time monitoring capabilities for pressure filters, pumps, boreholes, and reservoirs to track operational status and performance.
4. District Metered Area Mapping: Creation and maintenance of District Metered Areas (DMAs) to op
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Business Problem Solved

The implementation of the comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) portal by the Central Water Authority (CWA) has successfully addressed several key challenges in water infrastructure management in Mauritius. By georeferencing the entire pipe network along with detailed attributes and mapping reservoirs, boreholes, and containerized pressure filters, the CWA has achieved greater visibility and understanding of its infrastructure layout and condition. This enables efficient monitoring, maintenance, and decision-making processes to ensure optimal performance and reliability of the water supply system. With 90% of CWA consumers now georeferenced, the authority has significantly improved its ability to locate its consumer.
Additionally, the GIS team of the CWA is actively engaged in fostering collaboration and integration with other local authorities to streamline project implementation processes, enabling simultaneous project execution and resource sharing through the online p

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Enterprise - Web Apps

Development Team Biography

Mr. Veemul Chandra Rai Gopaul (Senior Technical Design Officer)
Mr. Bhupendrasingh Jokhoo (Senior Technical Design Officer)
Mr. Akeelesh Bhudoye (Senior Technical Design Officer)
Mr. Antish Sumessur (Ag. Senior Technical Design Officer)