2024 SAG Award Winners

Cook Island Office of the Prime Minister

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Project Goal

The objective of this project was to develop a comprehensive tool aimed at enhancing the capabilities of our local Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs) in preparing for and coordinating public responses to disaster risk management scenarios. Additionally, the tool sought to provide critical information to the Cook Islands National Disaster Council, facilitating accurate and efficient decision-making processes. This was achieved through the mapping of various data sets, including building information, vulnerabilities, population demographics, critical infrastructure locations, cyclone tracking maps, and weather information. By consolidating this data into a centralized platform, the tool aimed to empower stakeholders with the necessary insights to effectively mitigate and respond to potential disasters. Our vision for Emergency Management Cook Islands is "A Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Cook Islands"
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1 | Site 2

Business Problem Solved

Previously, EMCI possessed mapped data, albeit its utilization for providing crucial information during disasters was not optimal. However, with the appointment of Stephano Rampling-Tou as Geoportal Coordinator in November 2022, a transformative shift occurred in our Geographic Information System (GIS) practices. Leveraging his expertise, Rampling-Tou meticulously collected and organized critical information essential for decision-making processes led by EMCI Director John Strickland and the National Disaster Council. Subsequently, he adeptly applied this data to create highly functional and informative dashboards, significantly enhancing our capacity to respond effectively to emergencies.

Technology Implemented

Survey123, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, Dashboards

Development Team Biography

Stephano Rampling-Tou - Geoportal Coordinator: Head of project, Creator of EMCI Disaster Risk Management Dashboard and DRM Map
EMCI Puna Committee: Surveyors for data collected
EMCI Staff: Director John Strickland, Tauepa Tupa-Tutakiao, Ella Napara: assistance in giving the vision and data collection support.
Cook Islands GIS User group: Advice and training