2024 SAG Award Winners

Hong Kong Police Force

Project Goal

In Search-and-Rescue (SAR) mission, every second counts and accurate incident location is critical in saving lives. Since Covid-19 pandemic, more people have engaged in outdoor activities and the number of SAR operations in Hong Kong has increased exponentially with accident rate increased by 370%. At as worst during the peak seasons, over 3 people have died in a month engaging in outdoor activities. The Rescue Map (R-Map) is uniquely designed to provide bird-eye view for commanders to make swift decisions on deployment based on the real-time rescue intelligence. This is particularly useful in coordinating large scale joint-departmental SAR missions. R-Map is a 3D interactive digital map on mobile app and desktop that visualizes key information on rescue missions, e.g. search routes, topography, biometric data of rescuers with tagging and live broadcast features. Such information is critical to rescue team for real-time situational awareness and effective coordination of SAR missions.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

With the above-mentioned comprehensive and revolutionary features, the R-Map has the potential to massively reduce search times and improve chances for saving lives. Working in conjunction with HKSOS mobile app, it will help rescue units make instantaneous and well-informed decisions and enhance inter-departmental coordination and effectiveness during rescue operations as well as ensure the safety of rescuers. It specifically solves long standing challenges faced by rescue team when conducting SAR missions, including:-

(1) Complexity of Interdepartmental Coordination - Large-scale SAR involve hundreds of officers from multiple units, and coordinating tasks, pinpointing search location, defining search routes, and communicating between teams are complicated and time-consuming; and

(2) Extreme Weather and Safety of Rescuers - Weather conditions can adversely affect the effectiveness of a search and the safety of rescuers, hence fast and accurate operations are extremely important.

Technology Implemented

R-Map has deployed ArcGIS Enterprise of Esri. It sets up a dynamic and interactive 3D map platform serving as the foundation for R-Map to encompass real-time responses and automatic data feeds from IoT devices covering location information and health biometrics of the rescue personnel, as well as simple and easy-to-use zoning and visual presentation tools that facilitate clear inter-departmental co-ordination among different rescue units. It also provides vivid visualization of real-time and functional rescue information to allow commanders to make instantaneous and well-informed decisions that greatly enhances effectiveness during rescue operations and ensure the safety of rescue personnel.

Development Team Biography

The Project Team of R-Map is formed up by police officers and civilian staff from the Digital Policing Services Bureau under Information Systems Wing of the Hong Kong Police Force, which has vast experiences in the frontline policing and SAR operations with technical expertise in ICT solution development.

The Information Systems Wing is dedicated to the digital transformation of the Force and the tackling of challenges arising from the ever-changing digital landscape, in alignment with the Force's Strategic Directions and the Commissioner's Operational Priorities of the Hong Kong Police Force.