2024 SAG Award Winners

County of Kauai Planning Department

View Photo(s) of Award Presentation

Project Goal

The Sea Level Rise Constraint District is a forward looking regulatory program that requires mitigative action to address future Climate Change related Sea Level Rise Hazards for private and public development. The use of modeled hazard projections (i.e., future conditions) represents a novel approach to Planning implementation efforts where the use of historic data is the legal standard and norm. These data were incorporated into an Esri Instant Application, known as the Sea Level Rise Constraint District Viewer, a web application or digital asset which has formally been codified into law via ordinance.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1 | Site 2

Business Problem Solved

Government Program. Not Applicable.

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Instant Apps, ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Development Team Biography

Kaaina Hull - Planning Director
Alan Clinton - Administrative Planning Officer
Alisha Summers - Planner IV
Anneka Imkamp - GIS Analyst V
Garrett Johnson - SR GIS Analyst
University of Hawaii Climate Resilience Collaborative