2024 SAG Award Winners

City of Oak Hill, WV GIS Department

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Project Goal

The goal of this project was to build upon the out-of-the-box functionality of Workforce for ArcGIS to create a custom work order system with both dispatch and field editing capabilities to allow for more customized data collection and analysis. Working with ESRI Customer Support, we first attempted to customize the Workforce solution, which was already in use with our organization; however, we quickly realized that our needs were exceeding the flexibility of this solution and would require a more customized approach. Using multiple app integrations, including Survey123, Dashboards, and Field Maps, along with Integromat (now Make) and a handful of other apps, we were able to build a custom work order system for our organization that includes dispatch capabilities, field work processing, report generation, and automatic notifications.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

The City of Oak Hill and the Oak Hill Sanitary Board identified the need to capture additional information from each work order processed by field crews. Information such as the number of crew on the work order, type of equipment, materials used, and time worked, along with many other data fields, were all pertinent data that needed to be recorded for each work order. The existing GIS work order system was unable to account for additional data fields, so a custom application needed to be created.

Technology Implemented

The following ESRI technology was implemented into this custom work order solution:

Survey123 (both mobile and web apps), Dashboards, Field Maps, Feature Reports, App integration with Integromat (Make) for automation

Development Team Biography

Tyler Bragg, GIS Coordinator for the City of Oak Hill since 2019, entered the world of GIS in 2005 through a rather unconventional path - the United States Marine Corps. Over the course of his 5-year active-duty period, he performed various GIS services in his capacity as a Geographic Intelligence Specialist, including two tours of duty to Iraq. Upon discharge, he worked briefly as a Marine Corps civilian before returning to his home state of West Virginia, where he has since worked at the State, County, and Local levels of government. He enjoys creating field GIS solutions that benefit the field worker by providing enhanced spatial awareness, streamlined workflows, or increased efficiency. He feels strongly that the success of the GIS Program is directly dictated by the cooperation and support of the field users, who drive both the need for the applications and the quality of daily data collection.