2024 SAG Award Winners

City of Boulder, Colorado

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Project Goal

The foundation of GIS at City of Boulder is built on collaboration and innovation. As a small local government, we strive to achieve greater efficiency with limited resources, aiming to provide the maximum value to our residents. Noteworthy initiatives include: Infrastructure Upgrade: Migrated to an eight server federated Portal deployment, enhancing web content sharing and security. Fire Station Modeling: EDT crafted an interactive tool for decision-makers to explore relocation scenarios, improving data-informed decision-making.
Safe and Managed Spaces: Centralized encampment data, prioritized cleanups equitably, and enhanced decision-making through ArcGIS Mobile and Dashboard apps. Community Planning: Leveraged ArcGIS Urban for collaborative scenario development, streamlined public feedback collection, and digital engagement. Open Data Portal: Prioritized Open Data with ArcGIS Hub as the central repository, fostering transparency and accessibility.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1 | Site 2

Technology Implemented

ESRI Enterprise 11.2, ArcUrban, Hub Sites, Notebooks, Survey123, Dashboards, ArcGIS API for Python, PowerBI

Development Team Biography

Danforth, Lindsey; Ariowitsch, Tanya; Spielman, Christina; Sherry, Jennifer; Boada, Tess; Davison, Mark; Evans, Elly; Forrester, Cory; Gillard, Maggie; Hill, Brett; Hodgson, Tom; Jeffrey, Bill; Johnson, Mack; Korotkin, Wendy; Metrick, Sean; Morley, John; Morrison, Ted; Nestler, Jesse; O'Brien, Vanessa ; Philbrick, Charlie; Qin, Sharron; Sakson, Sarah; Simpson, Joe; Studebaker, Sarah; Tavernia, Brian; Trice, Chris; Valenta, Mo; Wartell, Julie; Zidar, Michael; Immich, Jenny; Chagnon, Aaron; Todd, Richard