2024 SAG Award Winners

DuPage County

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Project Goal

In 2022, the DuPage County judicial and public safety committee along with the county sheriff's office were looking for ways of being more transparent to the public in sharing crime statistics. With this question from the above stakeholders the GIS Division for DuPage County undertook the effort of sharing this data.
In our development we were looking for an easy go-to application that can easily show categories of crime data both to the public and to the Sheriff's Department’s staff and officers. For the officers we were looking for a way to show this information upfront so that easy analysis can be accomplished by law enforcement personnel. We accomplished this goal by developing the Crime Statistics Solution and a Crime Reductions Solution.
With the crime data in dashboard and in a spatial format in the various maps provided, both the public and law enforcement officials can see the trends and movement of crime here in the county.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

The county was looking to provide and share the county crime data with the public in addition to be used by law enforcement agencies across the county. We needed a solution where we could pull our crime data from our RMS (Report Management System) that resided in a SQL Database into a solution/application to make the data easy to view and understand as to what was happening in the communities within the county concerning crime.
Utilizing ESRI’s Hub technology we can present the data from one start location and are able to share data to the public and share more detailed data to our Sheriff’s office and other law enforcement officials across the county through our shared Initiative. The public can view crime statistics easily through various dashboards. They are focused on certain crime criteria’s such as crimes against property, crimes against person, and crimes against society. The greater access provided to sheriff staff contains additional detailed data and applications to perform

Technology Implemented

• Police Transparency Hub Solution
• Daily Activity Dashboard Solution
• Crime Reduction Statistics Dashboard Solutions

• Custom Apps
o Crimes Against Property Person and Society Dashboard, (Utilized ArcGIS Dashboard)
o Crimes Map and Analytics (Utilized Experience Builder)
o Crime Stats (Utilized ArcGIS Dashboard)

Development Team Biography

Tom Ricker-GIS Manager
Tamara Frehat-GIS Analysis
Kevin Piraino -Senior GIS Analysis
Mary Elliot-Senior GIS Analysis
Robert Schuldt-GIS Analysis
Michelle Zakosek- GIS Specialist
James Tompkins- GIS Technician