2024 SAG Award Winners

City of Nampa

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Project Goal

In 2019 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published revisions to the lead and copper rule to reduce lead exposure in drinking water. The rule changes required public water systems like, City of Nampa's, to create an initial inventory of service lines by October 2024. To meet the quickly approaching inventory deadline Nampa's GIS group deployed Esri's Lead Service Line Inventory solution. Data was quickly loaded into the solution and categorized based upon known conditions. Within a matter of minutes Nampa’s initial inventory was started which allowed staff time to focus on addressing any data gaps. The solution provided a standardized data structure but also expedited the creation of web content necessary to support various aspects of the inventory and reporting process. Deploying the solution saved the City of Nampa time and resources.
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Business Problem Solved

The EPA requires public water systems to complete and submit an initial inventory of their service line information by October 2024. Leveraging Esri’s Lead Service Line Inventory solution allowed Nampa GIS staff to quickly deploy data and tools to assist with the inventory process.

Technology Implemented

Nampa GIS staff utilized ArcGIS Online to deploy the Lead Service Line Inventory solution. Using ArcGIS Online provided flexibility for staff to collaborate on the data in real time using ArcGIS Pro in the office and Field Maps outside the office.

Development Team Biography

Nampa GIS Staff:
Craig Tarter, GIS Manager
Michelle Headley, GIS Database Administrator
Craig Wilbur, GIS Technician II
Clay Brown, GIS Technician
Katelyn Genta, GIS Technician
Kristoffer Stuvstad, GIS Analyst