2024 SAG Award Winners

St. Tammany Parish

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Project Goal

Build new servers and upgrade all St. Tammany Parish Government Employees to Enterprise 11.1 and ArcPro 3.1 from Enterprise 10.9.1 and ArcMap 10.4. Education and training was required for everyone. Deploy internal and external portals and have employees connect to data on the server via the portals through ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Earth.

Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

ArcGIS Pro requires more processing power on computers then ArcMap. We had to verify user’s computers were compatible with ArcGIS Pro. Future computers ordered by the parish are now ordered with enough power to run ArcGIS Pro.

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1
ArcGIS Pro 3.1
ArcGIS Earth 2.0
Survey 123
Field Maps
Experience Builder
Web App Builder
ArcGIS Online (hosted feature layers, web maps, web apps)
ArcGIS Server
ESRI (Enterprise Builder) Server
ArcGIS Portal

Development Team Biography

Christine Evans –GIS Manager
David Casse – Network Administrator
David Koppenol – GIS Specialist
Adam Skeete – GIS Specialist

We all started our positions at St. Tammany Parish Government within a 6 month stretch in 2022. We quickly learned we had the same goals for the GIS Department and utilizing ESRI tools, solutions, applications was at the top of our list.
We needed a new ESRI Enterprise Server first. David Casse, who has been the Network Administrator for St. Tammany Parish for 12 years, was just the man we needed. Together, we formulated a project plan for the GIS Department and had our new ESRI Enterprise Server up and running by March 2023. We identified all employee’s ESRI needs, roles, and how they would access data via ESRI products. We created ESRI accounts and set permissions then went on to educate all employees on how to view data in the through the new Internal/ External ESRI portals.