2024 SAG Award Winners

Ameren Corporation

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Project Goal

The project goal was to move the Electric Transmission GIS data to the Utility Network model. This included upgrading the environment from 10.8.1 to 11.1, setting up Utility Network services on the new server, loading data into the new model, updating web applications to Experience Builder and reconfiguring existing integrations.

Business Problem Solved

- Previous data model was outdated and could not meet the needs of the changing Transmission grid.
- Previous model allowed errors to be introduced, such as lack of connectivity between components. The new data model forces topology validation and rule checks so data is entered with minimal errors.
- This project sets us up to use the latest and greatest in GIS technology to improve our system.
- The Utility Network model is an enabling technology that will allow us to integrate with additional business systems.
- The Utility Network model will allow us to geographically represent internal substation components in the future.

Technology Implemented

- ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 with Utility Network extension
- ArcGIS Pro 3.1
- Experience Builder

Development Team Biography

- Paul Reichart - Manager, GIS Electric Transmission
- Mark Nordheim - Technical Lead
- Anuhya Bommagani - Business Analyst
- Todd Turner - Software Configuration