2024 SAG Award Winners

Dirección de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres y Cambio Climático (DGRD-CC), Viceministerio de Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Regional, Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo (MEPyD)

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Project Goal

In the last decade, ICTs have been, to a greater or lesser extent, instruments of administrative reform that can help governments to generate mechanisms to be more efficient, transparent and participatory.

In this context and in view of the need for characterization, analysis, and dissemination of data and information on the aspects that define each dimension of disaster risk, and due to the lack of open information at territorial scales that contribute to the fragility component of the territory, this project aims to design, develop and implement the Information System for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Action. This system will integrate data and information on susceptibility, hazards, vulnerability and disaster risks, in order to facilitate analysis, decision making and evidence-based territorial planning, allowing to close gaps in access to information related to each risk dimension and at all territorial scales.
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Business Problem Solved

This is an open data project for territorial planning on a national scale, so it is not directly linked to a business market. However, it comes to solve the problems of access to information for Disaster Risk Management (DRM), closely linked to priority 1 and 2 of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, which are: "Priority 1: Understand disaster risk" and "Priority 2: Strengthen disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk".

Technology Implemented

The system has been developed in the ArcGIS Online ecosystem, as this is a powerful tool that facilitates the interoperability of the different modules. For this purpose, ArcGIS Hub technology , ArcGIS Experience Builder, ArcGIS Survey 123 and ArcGIS Dashboards were mainly used.

Development Team Biography

Domingo Confesor Matías Hernández: Vice Minister of Territorial Planning and Regional Development. He is a sociologist and agronomist engineer with master's degrees in Local Public Management and Territorial Planning and Environmental Management.

Mercedes Feliciano M: Director of Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change. She is a civil engineer with a master's degree in Public Management and a specialization in Risk Management in Development Processes.

Miguel S. Montero Bautista: In charge of the system development and implementation process. He has extensive studies in information technology and works as a Territorial Analyst.

Iveth Cruz: Analyst in the development and implementation of information capture tools for DRM indicators. She is an economist with a master's degree in Project Management and works as a Territorial Analyst.