2024 SAG Award Winners

Weston Solutions

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Project Goal

The Weston Team set out to develop a novel data management framework using enterprise geospatial techniques to expedite a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Remedial Investigation involving multiple media across 21 sites. Additionally, we needed the framework to adapt to the dynamic and complex regulatory environment of PFAS and to help our field team make informed decisions in near real time based on field operations and existing historical data.
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Business Problem Solved

Weston utilized the ArcGIS Enterprise Geospatial Platform to centralize and spatially-enable operational data and make it accessible through an interactive geospatial web viewer. The platform enabled the use of ArcGIS Field Maps and Survey123 for real-time mobile data collection, one-click access to soil boring logs, and a dynamic analytical search widget within the Esri JavaScript SDK. The platform allows decision-makers to dynamically query their analytical and operational data and facilitates data visualization, quality control, stakeholder communication, and regulatory compliance. Moreover, the framework is scalable and repeatable, and Weston is adopting it as the standard approach for all projects.

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Server
ArcGIS Pro
ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Survey123
ArcGIS Field Maps
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

Development Team Biography

Bob McGlade - Program Manager
Janine Latham - Geospatial Technical Director/Architect
Josh Krochmal - Geospatial Technical Director/Architect
Long Ma - Principal Programmer
Frank Campbell - Principal Solutions Architect
Ping Wang - DBA
Corey Ricks - Senior GIS Analyst
Dan Strobridge - Senior GIS Modeler/Developer
Eric Bay - Senior GIS Analyst
Raj Dutt - Principal Solutions Architect
Ryan Leatherbury - Technical Director
Kent Alexander - Senior Project Scientist
Project Team Members - Katie Rembert, Robin Dermingny, Jenn Cronin, Sue Stefanosky, Mary Boggs