2024 SAG Award Winners

South Florida Water Management District

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Project Goal

The renewal of our Esri Enterprise License Agreement provided enhanced access to spatial data and applications for SFWMD. To take advantage of these features an ArcGIS Enterprise upgrade and content migration from ArcGIS Online to ArcGIS Enterprise was required. Implementation of ArcGIS Enterprise reduced license costs, expanded access to GIS data, and simplified our ArcGIS environment. Re-platforming the web GIS provided a significant enhancement for district staff.
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Business Problem Solved

The need to maintain parallel data environments was eliminated. The single service-based canonical source for all enterprise spatial data simplified maintenance and ETL workflows and provided for consistency across the ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online platforms.

Categories were used to improve discovery. 30 data categories were established. These categories reference over 600 feature classes that are organized into 300+ map and feature services.

A custom portal Site replaced the default ArcGIS Enterprise home page. Content is organized by business function access and access to business specific geospatial applications is centralized under Business Products pages.

Technology Implemented

ArcGIS Enterprise including federated ArcGIS Servers

Development Team Biography

Geospatial Services is a section in the Information Technology Division. 20 staff members provide GIS services to the enterprise. The section provides GIS software, maintains enterprise GIS data, develops desktop and mobile applications and provides mapping and analysis services. GIS software offerings include both web-based and desktop-based software. Web GIS is provided through the Enterprise Portal and ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Pro is available for advanced needs on the desktop. Mapping and analysis services are based on ad hoc requests. The Geospatial team manages hundreds of vector and raster layers for district-wide use. We extensively leverage configurable off-the-shelf applications many of which are available on the Portal. The applications team also provides custom application development for unique business functions.