2024 SAG Award Winners

University of Chicago, Center for Digital Scholarship and University Consortium for Geographic Information Science

Project Goal

The goal of GIS Librarians for Open Workflows is to improve workflows of librarians and library staff charged with supporting GIS and its use across diverse academic disciplines. The initiative connected librarians from around North America to discuss research consultation, instruction, and open educational resources.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

By examining workflows, building on shared vocabularies and practices, and reviewing commonly used GIS data digital platforms, the forums develop a community of practice that improves the quality of GIS services. The forums focused on concrete examples from social justice, health, and infrastructure to ensure that their outcomes can be applied to identified patron needs.

Technology Implemented

The ArcGIS suite was included among the technology and resources supported by participating librarians.

Development Team Biography

Cecilia Smith is the Director of Digital Scholarship at the University of Chicago Library. She directs services that support work with GIS, data, scholarly publishing, dissertation submission, digital collections, and research reproducibility. Cecilia’s collaborations cover a range of digital scholarship projects, including research on historical data and data ethics.

Diana Sinton is a geographer interested in spatial literacy, teaching and learning GIS, and applying the tools of spatial thinking to address issues and ideas around the world. Since 2013, Diana has worked for UCGIS, as its Executive Director and more recently as a Senior Research Fellow. She also teaches GIS at Cornell University.