2024 SAG Award Winners

Real Estate Registry (RER)

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Project Goal

The objective of this initiative was to create and execute a solution utilizing ArcGIS Enterprise for handling diverse sets of geospatial data and imagery. The project involved designing, configuring, and deploying Geospatial Data Modules dedicated to land management and data validation tools. These tools encompassed methodologies such as Reference Layer comparison, buffer-based analysis, Comparative Area-based assessments, and overlap matching processes.
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Business Problem Solved

It empowered RER to generate Preliminary Cadastral Parcels (PCP) in alignment with the initial registration objectives of the real estate registry initiative for Saudi Arabia. It facilitated the consolidation of data holdings into enterprise-enabled, multi-user geodatabases, streamlining PCP data production activities.

Technology Implemented

Numerous Geospatial Modules were conceptualized, set up, and put into operation, including tools for validating geospatial data in parcel assessments. These tools involved Reference Layer comparisons, buffer-based assessments, Comparative Area-based analyses, and overlap matching methodologies. Moreover, using ArcGIS Enterprise; several web applications, sites and dashboards where created to convey location-based information and help monitoring to increase collaboration and productivity.

Development Team Biography

Hatim Qazaz
Geospatial VP
Ahmed Lajher
Geospatial Manager (project lead)
Wael Shama
Geospatial Expert
Ahmed Issa
Geospatial Expert