2024 SAG Award Winners

Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites

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Project Goal

Aiming to fulfill The Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites (RCMC) vision to “Achieve prosperity and sustainable development in Makkah, commiserating with its status”, this project was commissioned to build an enterprise Geospatial foundation for RCMC and extending to server Makkah City in its entirely, via:
• Development of a unified Geospatial Data Hub based on ESRI Technologies providing secure access to Makkah and Holy sites Geospatial data.
• Geo-empowering RCMC Departments via provision of easy to use geo-applications, tools and services.
• Development of a Centralized point of truth Geo-database for Makkah City based on international standards and Sound Practices
• Building comprehensive Geo-data management and governance frameworks.
• Supporting the integration with external stakeholders across Makkah City
• Ensuring the sustainable development of geospatial solutions within RCMC Via the development of a comprehensive Geo-empowerment strategy and 3 years roadmap
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1 | Site 2

Business Problem Solved

• Providing all RCMC Internal departments with one centralized, Secure and easy to use geo-portal to support their internal operations, instead of depending on separate applications.
• Supporting RCMC internal Workflows via the provision of accurate, updated and authoritative geo-data, services and applications
• Unification and Standardization of RCMC Geospatial data across all RCMC Internal Departments, forming one point of truth database instead of instead of the old separate islands databases separately located within each department
• Development of a rigorous data management practices to govern data updates, integration and expansion in the future.
• ensuring seamless "Geo-data level integration" across Makkah city, via integrating with external Entities

Technology Implemented

'• ArcGIS Enterprise Advanced
• ArcGIS Image Server
• ArcGIS Developer Subscription Enterprise edition
• ArcGIS Maps SDK Basic Edition
in addition to
• ArcGIS Pro Advanced
• ArcGIS Pro Extension bundle
- Spatial Analyst
- Image Analyst
- Network Analyst
- Data Reviewer

Development Team Biography

Internal RCMC Project Team
•Eng. Yasser Al Sudais - CEO Strategy Division (Project Sponsor)
•Eng. Rami Naomani - GM Digital Transformation Department (Project Owner)
•Eng. Khaled M. Balubaid - Director-Geospatial Data Center (Project Manager)
•Eng. Hassan Alassali
•Eng. Khaled Majrishi
•Eng. Yasine Mahrous
in Collaboration with Alkan Arabia/QSIT Project teams (Solution Provider and Implementer)