2024 SAG Award Winners

City of Kelowna and Esri Canada

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Project Goal

To deliver enhanced data products and targeted services to citizens all day, every day. As a City of the Future, Kelowna strives to be innovative, creative and fiscally responsible. The City’s Open Data hub enhances citizen engagement and transparency by providing users with the ability to discover, download, and use the city's geospatial information for their own purposes. High quality geospatial data is the foundation for analytics and applications that enable the City’s digital transformation including Kelowna’s Digital Twin, dedicated map viewers, and AGOL Instant Apps. These tools communicate the city's initiatives, projects, and performance indicators to internal and external stakeholders and support evidence-based decision making and scenario planning for issues such as growth management, transportation, climate action, and emergency response.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1 | Site 2

Business Problem Solved

Kelowna realized a need to enable digital transformation and to find efficiencies in business processes to increase capacity for City projects. GIS technology enabled the City to pull together a large variety of different datasets into a single location. This empowered staff and citizens to ask meaningful questions of the data and receive immediate, up-to-date, and complete answers that drive informed decision making. Esri tools provide an easy-to-use interface that makes accessing and understanding the data easy for all, regardless of level of technical literacy.

Technology Implemented

As most of Kelowna’s assets, services and key decision-making needs are geospatial in context, geospatial information, solutions, and analysis are essential enablers of change.? Together, these tools and technology are driving the realization of Kelowna’s vision, and the digital transformation of Kelowna’s service delivery for online services, strategic planning, decision-making, and public consultation. To accomplish this, Kelowna utilizes Esri technology to make most of our data collection more GIS-centric.? We are leveraging Esri products and solutions to identify, maintain and track City assets as well as moving our permitting, licensing, and land management systems directly into the GIS world with Cityworks. The City uses ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Pro for desktop work, and a wide variety of AGOL applications. The city also uses ArcGIS Urban for planning projects and ArcFM Fiber Manager.

Development Team Biography

Cheryl Trent, Data Services and Analytics Manager, 3 years of service
Kevin Stehle, Business Systems Analyst, 8 years of service
Kevin Wang, Business Systems Analyst, 11 years of service
Naomi Pears, Business Systems Analyst, 25 years of service
Alex Jarvo, Business Systems Analyst, 6 years of service
Kyra Niesh, GIS Coordinator, 2 years of service
Elise Bauer, Business Systems Analyst, 6 years of service
Stefanie Wenker, Business Systems Analyst, 5 years of service