2024 SAG Award Winners

City of Scottsdale

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Project Goal

Scottsdale, Arizona, is home to the Professional Golf Association’s (PGA) annual WM Phoenix Open (WMPO) golf tournament.
With more than 1 million people visiting WMPO during the week of the event, the Tournament Players Club (TPC) of Scottsdale becomes a city within a city. Over 250,000 spectators attend WMPO on the busiest days, doubling the number of people within Scottsdale’s boundaries.
The large influx of people during the event requires public safety crews to be on site at WMPO during the week to ensure a safe environment.
A system was necessary to address the need to provide situational awareness, emergency coordination, and asset management to the public safety crews who work the event.
City of Scottsdale GIS worked with Scottsdale Fire to develop a tracking and dispatching solution with detailed mapping of features at WMPO.
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Business Problem Solved

Prior to 2019, the City of Scottsdale Fire department used paper and radios to track and dispatch crews to the various medical emergencies that occur during the event.
In 2019, the City of Scottsdale Fire Department sought to improve the tracking of personnel and places on the more than 340 acres of the WMPO course by using Esri technologies. A new GIS based system to help public safety command staff dispatch crews nearest to each incident and to provide these first responders with highly detailed maps of the venue to find the quickest path to those in need was achieved.
Each year, as technologies change, the City of Scottsdale GIS group works to improve the approach first used in 2019.

Technology Implemented

• ArcGIS Field Maps for tracking fire and police personnel
• ArcGIS GeoEvent Server for generating Phoenix Fire CAD points from XML
• ArcGIS GeoEvent Server for adding unit status and calls signs to the ArcGIS tracking view
• ArcGIS Experience Builder for dispatch maps
• ArcGIS Dashboards for displaying situation awareness of personnel and incidents
• ArcGIS Quick Capture for logging occupancy levels at the Alternate Care Site (ACS) at WMPO
• ArcGIS Survey 123 for logging customer contacts made by Scottsdale Fire
• ArcGIS Survey 123 for updating call signs for Scottsdale Fire
• ArcGIS Instant Apps – Portfolio used to provide a single landing spot for all apps

Development Team Biography

• Chris Lechner, Enterprise GIS Manager
Chris manages the Enterprise GIS team in the Information Technology Department and has been with the city for nearly 30 years. Chris oversees the implementation of GIS solutions throughout all City departments and supports the enterprise GIS servers, databases, applications, and software.

• Mele Koneya, GISP, GIS Analyst
Mele has been with the City of Scottsdale for over 18 years and has nearly 30 years of experience in Esri products as a GIS Analyst. Throughout his career, Mele has won awards for both cartography and GIS innovations.

• Brittany McKnight, GIS Analyst
With more than 10 years of GIS experience, Brittany specializes in web GIS and GIS administration. Prior to joining the City of Scottsdale in 2021, Brittany worked as a GIS Specialist II for the Arizona Game and Fish Department and at Esri as a Technical Support Analyst and Solution Engineer