2024 SAG Award Winners


Project Goal

To meet the needs of the national economy in terms of mineral resources cartography and geo-information, ASGA initiated the modernization and highlighting the product of the national geological database BNDG and these applications.
Learn more about us
Learn more about our application: Site 1

Business Problem Solved

Enhancement of BNDG data through the creation of value-added products.
Initiation of the project 3D geological modeling from 2D geological map. 3D modeling of mining potential and volume estimation

Technology Implemented

Enterprise geodatabases (ArcGIS Enterprise standard version 11.1) on Oracle DBMS,
ArcGIS Story map, ArcGIS dashboard, ArcGIS AppBuilder and ArcGIS Pro as Operating applications
3D representation with voxels
Data production with ArcMap 10.8.2, ArcGIS Pro 3.2 and spatial analyst

Development Team Biography

Karima TAFER-BAKIR, Chair of the Management Committee of the ASGA,
and vice-présidente of north in African Geological Surveys (OAGS);
Mohamed FELKIR, Head of National Geological Data Bank department